
Ben Thomas, Owner/Founder

Ben Thomas started young mowing lawns in his neighborhood and helping his family with gardening and planting around the house.

During his early years at college he would come home for the summers and worked at a large local landscaping company where he honed his skills.

While in his junior and senior years at college he joined a few friends and they started a small property management and landscape company.

In his senior year he took full ownership of the company and helped grow it to having multiple commercial maintenance accounts and a large amount of residential rental and homeowner maintenance properties.

Once graduated he sold his company and moved back to Cape Cod.

Upon his return to Cape Cod, he became manager of a local landscape company and took over running the shop area and took over a handful of accounts. He gained a lot of invaluable experience with his time there, and when it was time he made the move to start his own business.